orkut hack page 3

Posted by vishnu

forward the recieved Message in orkut
hack orkut

ReverserOpen scrapbookWrite text in text box.Copy the script in URL bar and hit enter.Now submit the scrapjavascript:alert("Katyal Rocks");msgm=prompt("message");function reverse() { var inp = msgm; var outp="";for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) { outp =inp.charAt (i) + outp;}txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=outp ;}; reverse();

do you want to send Coloured scraps to your friends in scrapsWrite anything in text boxCopy the script and paste it in URL bar.Presss enterNow submit the scrapjavascript:cor=new Array('green','red','blue','maroon');var z=0;txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0]; txt.value=txt.value.replace(/\n/gi,'§ ');sp=txt.value.split(' ');txti='';for(l=0;l

Do you want to unlock others Album in orkut which is locked
Paste the following javascript in your web browser address bar after navigating to the specified orkut page.

javascript:alert("Wait for few seconds for pic`s to load......");nb=document.all[0].innerHTML.match(/[0-9]*.jpg\)/g);nb=parseInt(nb);document.body.innerHTML="hacking album...wait for a minutehttp://www.fakers.co.nr";for(i=1;i<=50;i++){document.body.innerHTML+='';};void(0)